Friday, June 25, 2021

Labyrinth Summer Sprint 3

 This sprint I was responsible for the following:

I ended up cutting the vines asset due to time and also because I no longer believe it is needed in our scene as it was not an asset I saw in my reference image, but an asset used to "fill" branch spaces that I feel I was able to adequately fill with actual branches. 
First up was the ground asset. I wanted to mixed the 3 materials for our landscape, and also add leaves on  the ground like in my reference.
first I made my root, rock and mud material in substance (including Alex's puddle and mud materials). I used a tutorial to make this material last semester.

I now wanted to add the leaves as a foliage asset so I could "paint" them onto the ground. I modeled some simple leaves and did a quick sculpt in ZBrush.

I baked the textures down in Substance Painter and then made some adjustments to get some varience for my ground leaves. (The edges are rough in substance, but look fine in UE4)


After I made the leaves I decided to also make some adjustments to the back wall. I created a simple moss in substance designer and vertex painted it onto the rocks and added buildup leaves onto the wall like I saw in the film.

For the bridge asset, I wanted to use the bricks I already made for the back wall and make some adjustments to them to create the bridge shape.

I used the moss on the bridge as well.

Next I did the moss asset. I started with 5 "moss" pieces in photoshop and created material instances of the moss in UE4

They also have a vertex mask so the bottom flow in the wind more than the top.

I then quickly tackled the sign.

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